Wednesday, March 8, 2017

PUPPP - Skin rash due to pregnancy (in Bahasa Indonesia)

Ibu hamil pastinya pernah ngalamin yang namanya mual, muntah, pusing, lemes, ngantuk yang terus menerus dan rasanya males banget ngapa-ngapain. Eitss, itu semua masih ga ada apa apanya dibanding dengan yang namanya PUPPP. Apa sih itu PUPPP (bukan pup yang lain yaaa)? Yuk mari baca terus blognya. (Attention! This article contains disturbing picture, do not continue reading if you are not ready to see it).

PUPPP itu kepanjangan dari Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy. Jadi ga semua bumil tau apa itu PUPPP soalnya ga semua ngalamin. Hanya 1:300 bumil yang ngalamin PUPPP ini and I am the “lucky” one. PUPPP biasanya dialamin oleh bumil yang baru pertama kali hamil dan biasanya hamil anak laki-laki (70% case begitu). PUPPP ini penampakanya seperti kaligata/ biduran dan kadang ada cairan di dalamnya. PUPPP ini tidak menular ke orang lain atau ke baby, dan ini aman koq untuk bumil dan si baby. Jadi kalau kena PUPPP ini, kulit akan terasa super gatel. Awalnya muncul gatal di sekitar perut dan lama-lama nyebar ke tangan, kaki, punggung, dan seluruh badan! Bisa dibayangin kan rasanya kaya apaan. Gatelnya bikin gila! Rasanya ga mungkin ga garuk garuk. Rasa gatal ini makin malam makin parah. Tiap malem garuk-garuk like monkey dan ga bisa tidur.

Parahnya lagi, PUPPP ini belum ketauan details penyebabnya apa dan obat satu-satunya ya cuman ngelahirin. Biasanya, PUPPP ini terjadi di week 35 keatas. In my case, terjadi di week 17. Bayangin aja, baru sembuh morning sickness, terus langsung kena PUPPP. I can say my pregnancy life is not as beautiful as others. Pertama kali cek ke obgyn, dikira kena eksim karena waktu itu titik gatalnya cuma diperut aja (belum nyebar ke area lain). Terus obgyn kasih aku salep kortikosteroid merk Elocon dan dia saranin aku mandi pakai Cetaphil. Begitu pulang, aku langsung nurutin saran dokter.

Dalam waktu kurang dari 1 minggu, semua area badan kena gatel2. Karena aku ga tahan gatelnya itu, aku berobat ke dokter kulit di RSPI Puri Indah. Begitu konsul ke dokter kulit, langsung dokternya bilang “Ini sih bukan alergi, tapi PUPPP karena hormon baby”. Terus si dokter juga bilang ini akan sembuh setelah melahirkan. Alamakkkk, due date kan masih lama bangettt. Si dokter kasih salep racikan (ga tau apa kandunganya) dan antihistamin yang aman buat baby. Dokter juga bilang sementara jangan makan ikan tenggiri sama tongkol soalnya high protein, takut memperparah gatelnya. Tapi salmon, kedelai, susu, telur, tempe masih boleh makan. Aku disuruh balik lagi dalam 1 minggu. Setelah sekitar 3 hari pakai salep dan obatnya, aku berasa sedikit mendingan. Terus aku googling dan baca baca forum di internet tentang cara ngurangin gatel karena PUPPP ini. Rata-rata orang diluar sana pakai yang namanya Grandpa’s Pine Tar Soap. Aku akhirnya beli sabun ini online dari salah satu olshop di Tokopedia. Setelah 3 hari pakai sabun ini, kulit rasanya kaku dan kering banget. Jadi karena kulitnya makin kering, gatelnya makin jadi. So aku back to Cetaphil. Selain itu, mama mertua bawain hot and cold pad (ini beli di Century) dan ini amat sangat berguna! Jadi ini semacem bantalan yang bisa dipanasin (direbus atau masukin microwave) atau dibekuin di freezer. Aku tiap malem kompres pakai bantalan yang udah aku dinginin di freezer kalau gatel melanda. Memang sih ini cuma akan ngeredain sebentar, but at least it helps. Sekarang udah 1,5 bulan aku kena PUPPP, gatelnya udah jauh mendingan dan cuma kumat kalau malem atau subuh aja. I hope I can enjoy this pregnancy and the most important thing is the baby stays heatlhy inside.

Berikut gambar PUPPPnya dan alat perang yang aku pakai buat ngeredain PUPPP ini

Penampakan perut



Peralatan perang : Hot n Cold pad, salep racik dokter dan antihistamin

Grandpa's pine tar soap

Penampakan punggung
Kiri : waktu baru kena rash masih warna merah dan gatal
Kanan: setelah 1 bulan rash jadi kering dan warnanya coklat, gatalnya udah berkurang

Untuk moms to be yang nasibnya sama kayak aku, sabar sabar ya tunggu sampe baby lahir. Try to enjoy your pregnancy moments, I know we can survive this together. This shall pass soon. Masih ada juga mommy yang kena PUPPP setelah melahirkan, pasti rasanya lebih parah karena harus nyusuin baby baru lahir. Once again, yang paling penting babynya sehat selalu. Hope this blog can help you guys.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Pandan Chocolate Chiffon Cake

When it comes to chiffon cake, I could say that chiffon cake is my all time favorite cake. No matter what flavors the cakes are, 1 slice is never enough even I could eat the entire cake alone ( I know I'm so greedy).

Previously, I had baked marble chiffon cake and it turned good even it was my first experience. Craving of curiosity, I google another recipes and found that most people love to bake pandan chiffon cake because pandan leaves add fragrant and very interesting taste into the cake. Just before making the cake, I made pandan extract and leave it around 2-3 days in the fridge until the color of the juice turned into clear and I only used the concentrated part . Here is the link on how to make pandan extract.But if you don't have enough time, you can use ready pandan paste which can be found easily in everywhere.

Pandan Batter:
5 egg yolks
60ml coconut milk
70ml oil
40ml pandan extract
120gr cake flour (low protein flour)
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbs cocoa powder, mixed it with hot water (around 3-4 tbs) and mix it well (or you can use ready chocolate paste)

Egg whites meringue:
5 egg whites
120gr castor sugar
5-6 drops lemon juice

How to make:
1. Whisk egg yolks until it turns pale, add salt, coconut milk, and pandan extract, mix it well
2. Add oil, mix it well
3. Gradually add cake flour , mix it well until there is no lump
4. In separate bowl, add lemon juice into egg whites. Beat the egg whites on low speed, once it starts to foam, gradually add sugar. Increase the speed into high speed and beat until stiff peak
5. Add egg white meringue to pandan batter ( you may divide it into 3 batches ). Gently fold until it well incorporated.
6. Divide the batter into 2 separate bowl, add chocolate paste into one of the batter, mix it well
7. Transfer to 20cm chiffon pan (do not grease!). You may pour the batter alternately to make the pattern
8. Bang the pan to release air bubble
9. Bake at preheated oven at 150 celsius for 80 minutes or until the cake surface golden brown (every oven is different)
10. Do not forget to test by inserting a skewer to the cake, if it comes our clean, the cake is done
11. Once finished baking, I invert the pan and leave it in the over for 30 minutes ( I found this trick to reduce cake from shrinking)
12. Take out the cake and invert until it completely cools

click to see how fluffy the cake is 

Hope you enjoy the blog and happy baking <3

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Ogura Pandan Cake

Ogura cake is one of my favourite cake. I love all cakes that have texture like cotton. I personally do not like cake with too much cream or too moist, but ogura cake texture is just about perfect ( not too dry and not too moist).

Ogura itself comes from Malaysia, not Japan ( it is only the name that sounds Japanese). Ogura cake uses the same method as chiffon cake which need us to beat the egg whites and yolks separately. As the result, batter will raise flufilly. I found very popular recipe on internet and this recipe is easy to make with  ingredients that can be found easily in your kitchen. On this blog, I’m going to share you the recipe and of course the result :D

Pandan Ogura Cake
Source : Tintin Rayner
Rebake : Patricia

Mixture A ( yolk mxture):
5 egg yolks
1 whole egg
40ml oil ( I use corn oil)
80ml coconut milk
85gr flour
1 teaspoon pandan pasta
1 teaspoon vanilla butter pasta ( original recipe do not use this, but I prefer to add it)

Mixture B:
5 egg whites
85gr sugar ( I use 95gr because I like sweet)
5-6drops of lemon juice

How to make:
1. Pre heat oven 170 celcius
2. Beat egg yolk until pale, add coconut milk, pandan and vanilla butter pasta
3. Gradually add flour, mix it with baloon whisk until it well combined
4. Add oil, mix it well
5. Beat egg whites with lemon juice, once it foams, gradually add sugar, beat until stiff peak
6. Divide 1/3 egg whites , add it to mixture A, fold it  with spatula (do not beat). Add the remaining egg whites , fold it again
7. Pour the batter into the pan ( I used 20cm round pan), bake with au bain marie method ( steam bath) for  50 minutes (my oven works so slow, I need to bake it around 100 minutes, I dunno why...)
8. Remove from oven and invert into cooling rack, wait until it cool
9. Cut the cake as you wish :D

Tips & Trick:
1. Make sure all the equipment are clean (especially when beating egg whites).
2. You can beat the egg whites first then use the same mixer ( without washing it) to beat the yolk mixture. Result will be the same
3. Every oven is different, you cannot blindly follow the recipe, make sure to keep an eye when baking
4. Do not open the oven door while baking, the cake will shrink as the temperature changes
5. Tap the pan before putting into the oven, this will release the air bubble

My batter before going to oven :)

Baking process, slowly rising up

Fresh from the oven..Perfectly baked :)

Awww, this is such a perfect tea time companion <3

Hope you enjoy this post!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Marble Chiffon Cake - my first attempt

I have been googling and reading a lot of recipes lately, especially my all the time favorite cake which is chiffon cake. On last blog I shared my first trial making Nastar aka Pineapple Tart. Seems like I'm addicted to baking lately :)

On this blog I will share you my first experience in making marble chiffon cake. I could say this cake is not really hard to make. Even you can find the ingredients right away in your fridge. Also, this cake tastes so good, fluffy and it's sin-less cake since it is butter-less.

I found simple recipe on internet which I modified a bit ( yes I really like to modify the original recipe because I don't have digital scale so the original recipe cannot be applied).

Here is my recipe
Mixture 1:
4 yolks
20gr castor sugar
1/2tsp vanilla powder
40ml vegetable oil
40ml full cream milk ( or water if you don't have milk)
50gr flour
10gr corn starch

Mixture 2:
4 egg white
50gr castor sugar
5-6 drops of lemon juice

additional ingredient : 30gr milo powder ( I used Malaysian Milo because it tastes so much better than the Indonesian one)

How to make:
Mixture 1:
1. Beat yolks with sugar until soft and pale (I use balloon whisk)
2. Add vanilla powder and milk, mix it well
3. Add oil, mix it well
4. Add mixture flour and corn starch, mix it well until soft and no lump

Mixture 2:
1. Beat egg white until it's foamy
2. Add lemon juice, gradually add sugar beat until it reaches stiff peak

Gradually add mixture 1 to mixture 2, gently fold it with your spatula
Divide the batter into 2 different bowls
Add milo powder to one of the batters and mix it well
Pour some white batter into chiffon pan ( DO NOT GREASE), add milo mixture
Swirl the batter with fork until it forms pretty marbling effect
Bake into preheated oven 170 celcius for about 50 minutes (or depending on you oven) until it reaches pretty golden brown color

Below is "fresh from the oven" picture

Ooopps we are not finished yet! I know we are too excited seeing this result :D

You need to cooling down the cake by turning the pan upside down so it will hold its structure.
Once it is cool, you can slip the knife to the edge of the pan (don't forget to slip it to the middle part too). Open up the pan and it will look like this

Soooooo pretty right?

This cake is sooo soft, fluffy and well moisturized :D

I could say that I am very happy with the result, or maybe it just a beginner's luck? Hehe ~~

Friday, August 26, 2016

Pineapple Tart aka Nastar ( first attempt)

It's been a while since my last blogs ( 2 years ) and you know whatttt...everything has changed a lot since that time :)

My last blog was about proposal and now thank God I'm MARRIED yayyyyy!!!

Suddenly I remember about this blog and I thought google might delete this account if too long being neglected hahahaha :D

So ever since I got married, I learned how to cook a lot ( my mom said it is very shameful if as a girl I cannot cook). On this blog, I will share you my first attempt in making Pineapple Tart aka Nastar.
As an inexperience beginner it turns quite good and I'm quite satisfied with the result.
I found a good talented mommy on instagram (check IG @tintinrayner). She  is very popular with her baking experiment and I really like how she presents and explains about her cooks.
Honestly I want to try the exact ingredients according to her recipe, unfortunately I don't have enough ingredients on my fridge. It's OK I still can manage to modify a bit with the recipe.

Here is the recipe ( inspired by tintinrayner's but modified by me)

for the dough:
3 yolks
250gr flour
100gr corn flour
100gr castor sugar
50gr milk powder
35gr grated cheese
150gr butter ( I use salted butter)
100gr margarine
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla powder

for the egg wash:
1 yolk
1/2 teaspoon of condense milk ( you can add honey to make the color even brighter)

for fillings:
500 gr pineapple
150- 200gr sugar ( sweetness depending on your preference)
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
1/2 teaspoon of clove powder

How to make the fillings:
1. Grate the pineapple
2. Pour grated pineapple on your pan and add sugar, cinnamon and clove powder

3. Cook it until all the water dries out and don't forget to always stir it (otherwise it will be burnt)

4. Put the jam in the fridge until it can be molded
5. Mold it with your hand into a small size like this (size shouldn't be too big). After molding I put it back in the fridge

How to make the tart:
1. Mix butter, margarine, sugar and vanilla powder, beat until soft
2. Add yolks and mix it well
3. Add grated cheese, mix it well
3. Gradually add flour and corn flour(which already shifted) , fold with your spatula ( I prefer knead it with my hands) until like dough form like below

4. Take the dough and roll it with your hands, gently press the middle dough with your thumb and add pineapple fillings. Enclose the dough and roll it into a ball shaped (do not touch it so much or the dough will easily cracked while baking)

5. Bake for 150 celcius 10 min (make sure to preheat the oven 10 minute before you bake something )

6. Brush the dough with  the egg wash. Below is before after egg wash

Look at that color!

7. Put it back into the oven and bake it for 150 celcius for 20-25 minutes until its color become golden brown and at this stage you can smell the aroomaaaaa ~~

In my opinion, the result turns well but still got cracked a bit. I guess I'll have to practice again one day :)

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Proposal ♥

Today (7 June 14) was one of the best days in my life. Actually I wasn’t prepared for this day AT ALL ! I wrote this post right after I arrived at home ( I won’t miss every single moment for today!), in fact I’m an absent minded person haha!

Back to last month, around May, I asked him what would he like to have on his 25th birthday, and he answered he wanted me. I was like, hell yeah I’m yours =D. We’ve been dating for 6.5 years (starting from Nov 2007).

I didn’t realize that his answer would become a superb sweet reality like what happened today.
So were just going to celebrate his 25th birthday, he mentioned that I had to wear a formal dress. I had no idea what to wear and why would he wanted me to wear formal dress, would he want to propose me?  (this mind just coming out of nowhere). He is not a typical man that cares with what his GF wear for going out ,that’s why I joked him and he was like smiling and said “Hell no, I’m not going to propose you on my birthday, we are just going to have dinner”

He said that he had made reservation at both Rosso and Altitude @5.30. I just asked myself, who would have dinner at that hours? It sounds like tea-time or snack time. He rushed to drive and we were trapped in jam ( you know that Jakarta always in traffic jam). So actually we arrived at 6 or 6.15 just after sunset. He looked really depressed and upset. He drove to a place that we celebrated our 6th years anniversary last year, yes Altitude @The Plaza, Plaza Indonesia. So I thought okay, here we come again. After arriving at Altitude he said we were not going there. He took me to 49th floor and when the lift opened I was surprised. Cloud Lounge and Living Room so the place was.

Okay the view was really beautiful and the waitress took us to the balcony where the red sofa with chandeliers placed behind us. In front of the sofa there was a bartender table with fire on top of the list (looks really fascinating). Well everything was cool. Sun had set as it become darker and we ordered meal and drinks. So I went the bathroom and right after back to the sofa, suddenly he took his bag and there was a small box, I knew what he was going to do!

OMG I was like shocked, happy and speechless. “Would you marry me?” he smiled and of course with a really prompt response I said YES ! hahahahha =D. He is not a sweet talking guy but I like how he proposed me straight to the point. I swear I wanted to cry but I was too happy to cry.
Sooooo actually he wanted to propose me during sunset (soooo sweet), but then the plan was not going well haha, nevertheless, I’m really happy and thankful for today. I was proposed by a good looking man at one of the tallest buildings in Jakarta =D (Happy Song by Pharell William keeps playing on my head until now)
Here is our pictures, sorry for bad lighting. The place was so dark and crowded

 Look look how pretty it is!

one of luckiest girls on earth !!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

High Sugar

I've been wondering about the taste of famous Laduree macaron since I know it is a legendary.
How lucky I am when my niece brought me a pretty box of macaron yesterday
just like getting a surprise box!
She bought it from Singapore ( the closest Laduree counter from my country, Indonesia) and I was soooooooo happy ( been dreaming to taste it since long time ago!) =D

 Box of eight macarons

 Contains six flavours (2 more flavours were eaten) =P

 From top left to top right : pink pepper, coconut, caramel with salted butter, pistachio, vanilla, rose petal

 How does it look like

 After tasting all the flavours =)

It supposed to be 8 different flavours in the box (Niece couldn't resist it! =P). You need to purchase 8 macarons to get the box

Taste review:
Rose Petal : Love the scent of rose and the color, delicious!
Pistachio: To be honest, I'm not a big fan of pistachio, so I think it just normal
Vanilla : Just normal
Coconut: You can bite the coconut crumb, coconut lovers gonna like it
Caramel with Salted Butter : Best of the best! Really love it!
Pink Pepper : This is a new flavour, just like the name, taste like pepper (weird)

Texture Review:
Perfect texture, glossy, full (do not hollow), crisp outside and chewy inside!

Credit to my niece : Deviana Nugraha Putri
Thanks to you beb!